Friday, January 15, 2010

Chance Pe Dance

Rating : 4/10
Release Date : 15th Jan, 2010
Time : ~140 minutes
Director : Ken Ghosh; Writer : Ken Ghosh, Mupur Asthana; Music : Adnan Sami
Starring : Shahid Kapoor, Genelia D’Souza, Parikshat Sahni, Mohnish Bahl

For a movie that is supposed to be around dance, this one is no great shakes. Shahid is a struggling actor / dancer. Really struggling. He encounters nepotism, un-professionalism and we encounter some irritating sub-plots involving an itchy landlord, an ungrateful friend, a school dance competition with overly saccharine kids and the Delhi Municipality shutting down his fathers shop. The main story line has him meeting cute choreographer, Genelia and then him participating in a dance reality show.

Genelia is cute, Shahid cuter. There are nice dollops of humour – Shahid’s days of penury emphasised via his toasting bread and storing clothes innovatively, his ability to make a scooter start, the lungi ad and Genelia’s scooty driving habits. All enhance the cuteness. But then the weak storyline, excessive songs and ordinary dance moves more than make up the irritation quotient.

I missed a twist or two, and for a dance based movie, I missed seeing some dancing that would ‘blow your mind’, some really innovative moves. What we saw up there is stuff we see everyday – after the movie we came home and co-incidentally chanced upon a dance contest on Mahua TV and they were doing similar stuff to the film. And a nice, interesting plot would’ve helped too…

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