Sunday, September 6, 2009

Chintu Ji

Rating : 4/10
Release Date : 4th Sep, 2009
Time : 135 minutes
Director & Writer : Ranjit Kapoor; Music : Sukhwinder Singh, Siddharth Suhas, Abhishek - Ishteyak
Starring : Rishi Kapoor, Kulraj Randhawa, Priyanshu Chatterjee, Saurabh Shukla

A film which tries to replicate Welcome to Sajjanpur’s surprise success by coming up with another small village with the heart of gold story but fails. A veteran actor (Chintu ji), deciding its time to enter politics, returns to his roots, his home-village (Hadbahedi) and stay there for sometime, sort of as a launching pad.

However, the story doesn’t work on two counts. First, Chintu ji is a person you learn to dislike very quickly – he is rude, shouts at everyone, abusive, alcoholic, imposes himself on people, takes advantage of his status, doesn’t care at all about the village people who are going all out to take care of him, forces them to serve meat even in a vegetarian household, is corrupt, lies etc etc. This is the films lead character…

Secondly, the heart of gold villagers are too sweet and sachaarine….aisa nahin ho sakta…no one can put up with the kind of crap they were made to put up. I mean, I know ‘athithi devo bhav’ and all that but if someone is shown eve-teasing, stealing money / jewellery and yet you keep smiling because he’s your guest, it stretches credibility past breaking point.

There are a couple of sub-plots – the mildly interesting one was watching the Russian / Uzbek girl who did a role in ‘Mera Naam Joker’ and there was another eminently forgettable one which involved a love angle between the towns newspaper editor and Chintuji’s PR agent. The Editor also has a past which the village wants to help keep buried and for the sake of your sanity, you wish they had

Rishi Kapoor’s acting and Sophie Chaudhury’s well-displayed cleavage (in an item number type role) remain the only reasons to go for the film…

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