Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Married Life

Rating : 4/10
Release Date : Mar ‘08
Time : 91 minutes
Director & Co-writer : Ira Sachs; Co-Writer : Oren Moverman
Starring : Pierce Brosnan, Chris Cooper, Patricia Clarkson, Rachel McAdams

Slow moving period drama about crossed connections. A married man falling for a younger woman feels that he cannot leave his wife as she wouldn’t be able to bear it. But he wants the happiness & companionship that the younger one provides. He confides to one of his really close friends, Pierce Brosnan, who after one look at the girl, promptly decides he must have the girl for himself.

How this complicated web is woven and unwoven, is what the movie is about. I think, the pace and the ordinary-ness of the characters we witness, is what goes against the film. All the performances, possibly deliberately, are muted. And the whole film kind of gets over without our even realising it. One of Pierce Brosnan’s most underplayed roles for sure.

Nothing much here to make me recommend it too much, unless you’re a diehard Pierce fan.

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