Monday, March 23, 2009

200th Review

BTW, have just realised that I've posted my 200th review...

I think its amazing how this has developed as I now find myself in a job which also is in the entertainment sector

Someone, in one of the comments or emails, commented that my average rating is very high - I dont seem to be discriminating enough / I seem to like most films. I think that observation is bang on. I hate being called a critic, am more a reviewer who posts his reviews because I like movies and I enjoy writing. My default rating is 5 and a movie has to do something bad for me to go lower. I feel my job is to point out what the film is about, what are the thoughts it made me feel and what were the good / bad points. If I do that well enough, it can help you decide whether to view the film yourself or not...

And the more films I watch, the more I'm enjoying it. I continue to have readers in over 250 cities across the 6 continents and this is still a great source of personal pride. Thanks to everyone for your feedback / comments / support, hope it continues.


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